Blood Management

TEG: Clinician Training (nm) (BLM-111-2062021-nm)

Instructor: Julie Wegner, PhD

TEG technology measures the complex balance between hemorrhagic and thrombotic systems. This class identifies each parameter and relates possible pathologies to the mechanism of the tracing.

At the completion of this class the learner will be able to:

1. Describe the hemostatic process.

2. Describe the how the TEG measures the hemostatic components during the clotting process.

3. Explain how the machine measures a clot.

4. Compare the difference between kaolin and kaolin with heparinase.

5. Identify each parameter and describe the mechanism for it's tracing.

Expected time to complete this course: 50 minutes

As AmSECT University relaunches its professional continuing education website, we are required by the ABCP to resubmit our application for Category I Self Directed Continuing Education (SDCE) for Category I CEUs. AmSECT University has begun this process. At the completion of your course, your certificate will say “pending one (1) ABCP Category I CEU”. You will be notified to reprint your certificates once approval has been granted.

Per the ABCP, a maximum of ten (10) SDCE I CEUs may be used for professional activity recertification within a three-year reporting cycle. Members may submit additional Category III CEUs.
  • TEG Clinician Training
  • Post Course Completion Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 3 years